Share your story this World Alzheimer's Month
'Never too early, never too late' - let us help you share your story of life with dementia or memory loss.
Thursday, 21st September 2023 is World Alzheimer’s Day – an international campaign to raise awareness and highlight issues faced by people affected by Alzheimer’s. This year’s campaign, ‘Never too early, never too late’, focuses on risk factors and the crucial role of risk reduction in staving off, delaying or potentially even preventing Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.
To mark this important month, we want to bring to life the stories of those living with, or who are affected by memory loss or dementia, and share the important part music can play in dementia care.
If you’re someone who has used our personalised Playlist Maker, for yourself or a loved one, you’ll know that a particular song can bring back treasured memories or clear visions from the past.
Do you have a memory of a special time spent with a loved one, or a piece of music you or they love that you’d like to share?
Perhaps you are someone living with memory loss who would like to share your story and tell others how music has touched your life before or after a diagnosis?
Whatever your story, we would love to hear and share it.

If you are happy for your story to be shared, please send it by completing this short form or emailing us at info@musicformymind.com. You can also share your story or join the conversation online using #worldalzheimersday.
We look forward to reading your stories and showcasing the different journeys those affected by dementia or memory loss can go on.
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