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We are delighted to announce the Sosei Heptares and Music for my Mind partnership.

Sosei Heptares is a company aiming to make a significant contribution to improving the quality of life and health of people around the world, by discovering, designing and developing innovative and effective medicines, through its world-leading patent-protected technology and platform.

We feel that our charity’s goals are very much aligned with Sosei Heptares’ and we are very grateful that they have chosen to support our charity’s efforts, as we work towards our goal of making personalised playlists widely available and a part of dementia care.

The team at Sosei Heptares is passionate and enthusiastic about charitable work, evidenced by the generous donation the company has already given us of £771.20, raised through fundraising events such as a Football World Cup Pontoon, a Bake Off Competition and a Charity Quiz Night. The raised sum will go towards the overall running of Music for my Mind’s project of getting personalised playlists to people living with dementia.

“We believe that Music for my Mind has a very unique and promising approach to improving the life of people living with dementia by using personalised playlists. This innovative strategy aligns closely with our mission to improve the quality of life and health of people all over the world and we are proud to be supporting a charity that does such ground breaking work.” – Eugenia Sergeev, Research Scientist and Charity Committee member

We are excited by the future opportunities to engage the employees at Sosei Heptares in a fun and productive way to help us make a change.

You can find more about the ground-breaking work they are doing on their website – https://soseiheptares.com/.

If you are a company that would like to sponsor us as their charity of the year, get in touch with us through our Contact page.


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