World Alzheimer's Month 2024

September is World Alzheimer's Month, and every September 21st, World Alzheimer’s Day offers a moment to reflect on the global impact of dementia and to renew our commitment to combating it.
Time to Act on Dementia, Time to Act on Alzheimer's

This year’s theme – “Time to Act on Dementia, Time to Act on Alzheimer’s”, underscores the urgent need for action in addressing the growing crisis in dementia care. For Music for My Mind, this theme resonates deeply with our mission and research, spotlighting the critical role that music can play in transforming the lives of those affected by dementia.

Why World Alzheimer's Month is important for Music for my Mind

Our current research project in care homes is a testament to this belief. We are investigating the impact of tailored musical interventions on the well-being of residents in care home settings. Preliminary results are promising, indicating that personalised music programs can lead to significant improvements in both cognitive function and emotional health. This research is crucial as it provides evidence-based support for the integration of music into care practices, potentially influencing care standards across the NHS.

Our mission aligns with the broader vision of reducing the burden of dementia on individuals and the healthcare system. By demonstrating the efficacy of music listening as a treatment, we aim to promote its inclusion in NHS care plans, which could lead to more personalised and effective care strategies. This, in turn, has the potential to reduce overall NHS costs associated with dementia care, as personalised music interventions can minimize the need for more expensive pharmacological treatments and intensive care services.

How you can get involved this World Alzheimer's Month

Engaging with Music for My Mind is a meaningful way for individuals and organisations to help shape the future of dementia care. There are numerous ways to get involved. Supporters can donate, participate in fundraising eventsvolunteer to help with research and outreach programs, or simply spread the word about the benefits of personalised playlists for people living with dementia. Every contribution, whether through time, resources, or advocacy, helps further our research and expand our impact.

For more information on how you can get involved, visit our Support Us pages, or reach out to our team at Together, we can transform care and create a
brighter future for those living with dementia.

Create a free playlist for your loved one today.

Read our 2023 World Alzheimer's Month stories

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