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We are delighted to announce that our charity has received a £9650 grant award from the National Lottery Community Fund!
The funds from this grant award will go towards conducting and delivering the first year of our care home operational research programme. Some of our work will focus on the 2 key challenges we have identified – how to create personalised playlists quickly for people living with dementia and how to deliver them effectively in a care home setting which can often prove challenging (due to noise, people being busy and small objects, such as smart phones, often going missing).
As part of the project, we are developing an App that will enable the curation of playlists in around an hour, which is essential in order to serve the thousands of people with dementia across the UK.
We are currently running a crowdfunding campaign to fund the development of the App, which we estimate would be around £19,000. We would appreciate your support and donations here:
[cmsms_button button_link=”https://musicformymind.hubbub.net/” button_target=”blank” button_text_align=”center” button_font_weight=”100″ button_font_style=”normal” button_padding_hor=”20″ button_bg_color=”#f26522″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_border_color=”#f26522″ animation_delay=”0″]Crowdfunding Campaign[/cmsms_button]
We would like to thank the National Lottery Community Fund and all the National Lottery Players for bringing us one step closer to our vision – for every care home in Britain to have a music programme and for everyone living with dementia to benefit from music as an integral part of the therapy and care they receive.
To be the first to hear about our project updates, sign up to our newsletter here.
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